We have developed the Barron Cares Program, specifically designed to provide a clean, safe, and positive environment.
- Caring, expert instruction by our highly trained, child-centered instructors
- Exclusively designed curriculum to teach high-quality swim lessons from water safety to stroke development
- Ultra-Violet (UV) Treatment System – Our system kills 99.99% of bacteria in a single pass. Validated to eliminate cryptospodoridium, giardia, and removes odors from the pool area. The UV system prevents red eye and skin irritation.
- Drinking Quality Water – Our system turns 54,000 gallons of pool water over in less than two hours. This turnover rate is 200% – 300% faster than normal health codes. Faster turnover rates mean more continuous treatment, clear, and safe water.
- Complete monitoring and treatment system that provides 24/7/365 monitoring through remote control, electronic log keeping, and alert notifications of any out of range chemical parameters.
- Perfect Water & Air Temperature – Our system takes direct control of pool water temperature, room air temperature, and relative humidity. Provides warm, dry and irritant free environment for the ultimate guest experience. We keep our pool temperature at 90 degrees and air temperature at 91 degrees for the comfort of our families and teachers.
- Customer Service Staff willing to go above and beyond to make our family’s comfortable and satisfied
- Bonding with your child in the aquatics environment
- Great opportunities to socialize with other parents
- STAFFING – We are staffing a second customer service employee during all evening and weekend shifts to enhance our sanitation in the change room area starting this week.
- Masks will be recommended in all indoor places open to the general public for everyone aged 5 and older. The new mandate includes people who have already been vaccinated for COVID-19.
- Limit each family to one healthy parent/caregiver per student
- When possible, not allowing swimmers siblings who are not within swimming lessons to attend the facility.
- Continuously sanitize your hands in the facility with provided sanitation stations.
- Chemicals will be monitored and tested every 2 hours of operation and prior to opening each day to ensure adherence to the requirements of the St. Louis County Public Water Recreation Facilities Code.
- Sanitation of necessary teaching props after each class using an EPA List N disinfectant. Removed all small teaching toys and equipment that is unnecessary.
- Set up a schedule for our entire facility to be regularly disinfected even when we have classes in session.
- Hired Hilyard, a local professional cleaning company. After completing a full walk through of our facility, they designed a cleaning and disinfecting system/schedule unique to our building and the customers we serve. This includes the use of Purtabs 3.3G disinfecting/sanitizing tablets that have a 1-minute coronavirus kill time.
- Set up a cleaning schedule for our entire facility to be regularly disinfected even when we have classes in session.
- Provided numerous professional sanitation stations throughout the facility so all who enter can disinfect their hands regularly.
Despite the measures that we have taken, there is still the potential for an employee or customer to test positive for COVID-19. For everyone’s safety, employees are required to report a positive test result, and we ask customers to please do the same.
In the event we are notified of a customer or employee who has tested positive, we immediately work to identify those who have been in close contact within the previous two days and notify them right away. We follow CDC’s definition <https://www.cdc.gov/
Based on guidance from the St. Louis County Health Department, and to protect the privacy of those affected, Barron does not issue a company-wide statement for isolated positive cases.
“There is no evidence that the virus that causes COVID-19 can be spread to people through the water in pools, hot tubs, spas or water play areas. Proper operation and maintenance (including disinfection with chlorine and bromine) of these facilities should inactivate the virus in the water.” – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
We thank you for your support and challenge you to continue to support small and local businesses in the St. Louis Community!
Be kind.
Be Compassionate.
Have Patience.