For children between the ages of 1 – 13, swimming pools are the most common places where drownings occur. Most likely, it’ll happen right in your backyard. To prevent this, here are a few methods we advise using to create a safe swimming environment for your children.
1. Training for Children
Ensuring your child knows the basics of swimming is a great starting point when ensuring their safety. Enrolling them in formal swimming lessons is the best way to do this! Also, make sure to have pool rules and go over them before allowing your child to enter the water.
2. Safety Equipment
Having safety equipment available at all times is a vital part of helping to create a safe swimming environment. Making sure the pool is adequately fenced with effective alarms, wearing life jackets instead of water wings or puddle jumpers, and confirming that there are various easily accessible exit points are just some safety equipment that will help keep your child safe.
3. Adult Supervision
Make sure an adult is watching your child swim at all times! The level of their swimming education is fine. Leaving your child unattended, even for a second, is when drowning is most likely to occur.
4. Trained Adults
Knowing how to swim is essential to keeping your child safe in the water. Educating yourself in CPR and First Aid is also a fantastic way to ensure your safety!